
We know how important it is to keep your server a safe, healthy, and friendly environment for all to enjoy. That is why we take pride in our moderation features to ensure your members feel protected.


Purge messages in the channel the command is ran in.

count: Number of messages to delete. Specify -1 for unlimited.

The following arguments are optional and can be combined as and conditions. (ex. messages sent by user and sent before this message ID.)

user?: Delete message sent by this user.

text?: Delete messages matching this text exactly.

before?: Delete messages sent before this message ID.

after?: Delete messages sent after this message ID.

regexp?: Delete messages matching this RegExp.


Issue a warning to a user. This will DM the target user with a notification of warning and your provided reason. It will also be logged in the user's moderation logs.

user: User to issue warning to.

reason: Reason for the warning.


Timeout a user using Discord's timeout feature. This will notify the user with your provided reason and the action will be permanently logged in the user's moderation logs.

user: User to timeout.

reason: Reason for the timeout.

length: Duration of the timeout (ex. 1h, 30m).


Kick a user from the Discord server. This will notify the user with your provided reason and the action will be permanently logged in the user's moderation logs.

user: User to kick from the server.

reason: Reason for kicking the user from the server.


Ban a user from the Discord server. This will notify the user with your provided reason and the action will be permanently logged in the user's moderation logs.

user: User to ban from the server.

reason: Reason for banning the user from the server.

days-of-messages-to-delete?: Number of days worth of messages to purge from the user.


Even the best mess up sometimes. Unban a user from your Discord server. They will not be notified that they've been unbanned.

user: User to unban.

reason: Reason for unbanning the user.

Last updated